
Basic requirements to run RedRover:

  • Python 2.7 (Working on 3.x but not quite there)
  • Django 1.4+ (tested with all micro-releases of 1.4)


These will be automatically installed for you:

  • django_nose
  • rednose
  • splinter

It is also highly recommended that you install and use FactoryBoy. While not strictly required to run RedRover, it is a very nice compliment to RedRover’s operation and is used in many of the examples.

Install RedRover

Installing is easy via pip:

pip install redrover


Add 'redrover' to the bottom of your 'INSTALLED_APPS'. Also add the following to your settings.py:

TEST_RUNNER = 'redrover.RedRoverRunner'


Run your tests the same as usual. Django will use the custom test- runner you specified in settings.py which gives RedRover the reigns.:

python manage.py test

Test Discovery

RedRover will discover your tests be recursively detecting Python modules and then looking for any sub-module(file) ending in “_test.py”. Because of this, it is recommended that you organize your tests in a “tests” directory in your root project directory.

A sample Django project might look like this:

  |-- manage.py
  |-- myapp
  |     |
  |     |-- __init__.py
  |     |-- models.py
  |     |-- views.py
  |     +-- urls.py
  |-- myproject
  |     |
  |     |-- __init__.py
  |     |-- settings.py
  |     |-- urls.py
  |     +-- wsgi.py
  +-- tests
        |-- __init__.py
        |-- factories.py
        |-- models
        |     |
        |     |-- __init__.py
        |     +-- myapp_mymodel_test.py
        +-- requests
              |-- __init__.py
              +-- myapp_pages_test.py

Within your ‘test’ Python files, you should import RedRover and subclass the RedRoverTest or RedRoverLiveTest classes like this:

# myapp_my_model_test.py

from redrover import *

from myapp.models import MyModel

class MyModelTest(RedRoverTest):

When you use the RedRoverTest or RedRoverLiveTest superclass you are provided the “describe” decorator. When you decorate your individual test cases with this decorator, they will be discovered by the test runner regardless of whether the characters “test” appear in the method name:

class MyModelTest(RedRoverTest):

  def addition(self):
    assert_equal(2, 1 + 1)

Project Versions

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